Why is the UK’s recovery weaker than America’s

Gavyn Davies’s article is an interesting attempt to explain why the UK recovery remains so weak. This analysis is also very timely given the recent prognosis by the governor of the Bank of England of sluggish growth and high inflation. One aspect that Gavyn Davies has...

Cochrane’s criticism of “Gordon on Growth”

See link to John Cochrane’s excellent response to Gordon’s recent paper. http://johnhcochrane.blogspot.co.uk/2012/08/gordon-on-growth.html In particular: ‘My impression of modern growth theory is that the economics of innovation production and...

The End of Money and Wicksell’s Credit Revolution

Credit has too often been ignored by economists, mainly it seems because it is too complex to model. One of the main reasons why the new neo-classical synthesis – which forms the backbone of monetary policy today – failed to provide any indication of the financial crisis was because credit was largely omitted from its models.